Client Story

Reaching India’s Underbanked Citizens

Empowering India’s Financial Reach

India is the world’s largest democracy with one of the fastest-growing economies, yet millions remain unbanked. That’s why FIS is passionate about providing its technology and expertise to help empower India’s financial world – from empowering women and financially educated communities to strengthened financial prudence and a boosted economy – by scaling financial services to reach the most challenging areas.

At a Glance

Provide India’s underbanked with financial services and technology at any location.

FIS Financial Inclusion Lab

FIS worked with underserved communities to help them become financially literate and understand the benefits that basic banking services can bring. In 2015, we launched our Financial Inclusion Lab, designed to work with the Indian government, banks, entrepreneurs and nonprofit groups, to provide banking and financial literacy. In addition, we partner with a number of nonprofit groups, like Swadhaar FinAccess and the SEED Foundation, to establish Financial Literacy Centers among the urban poor and financial literacy camps for children and women.


Working with Bandhan Bank as its technology partner, FIS built and deployed the bank’s entire banking and payments platform, with 501 branches live on the first day of inauguration. FIS has made strides toward bringing economic growth and personal financial freedom to India’s rural population. We offer solutions that bring financial services to the millions of unbanked in India, scale that reaches the most challenging areas, and technology that enables instant opening of bank accounts and interaction of bank officials with customers at any location.

Million women are empowered

Thousand ATMs in rural, semi-rural and urban India

Thousand feet, world’s highest ATM

The technology, scale and expertise from FIS has created a more financially accessible environment for the citizens in India. By providing banking services to the millions of unbanked in India, we’ve contributed to both the economic growth and personal financial freedom of those communities.