Digital and traditional banks: modernizing to a digital treasury

June 10, 2021

It’s no secret that today’s new breed of digital banks represents a growing competitive threat to the traditional banking market. Quick to invest in infrastructure and heavily focused on enabling the digital customer experience, these new banks have their sights set on expanding their customer base and responding rapidly to market demands.

Traditional banks often lack the digital infrastructure of their newer peers – and even if they have a digital infrastructure in place, it may not be adequate to meet their evolving needs. This can lead to a number of challenges. For one thing, maintaining a less versatile infrastructure tends to result in higher costs. It can also make it more difficult for banks to respond and react to evolving customer demand and changes in the marketplace, and to manage their assets and liabilities effectively.

Of course, digital banks have their own challenges to address. Once a digital bank has obtained a banking license, it needs to implement the necessary infrastructure quickly, ensuring everything is in place to deliver a digital end-user experience and meet regulatory pressure. Without the resources of a traditional customer service organization, digital banks need to be extremely efficient in their operations if they are to provide the level of service that customers expect.

While digital and legacy banks may face different challenges, what they share is the need for an efficient treasury infrastructure that can maximize their opportunities for growth. In this evolving marketplace, FIS® has much to offer both types of banks. Our treasury offerings can help digital banks get up and running quickly without needing to spend valuable time engaging with multiple vendors and with easy integration in their digital architecture. Equally, we can help traditional banks implement the state-of-the-art treasury infrastructure they need to adapt and grow.

What’s more, cloud deployment means you can meet your needs without having to invest in costly IT and capital-intensive resources. But our modern cloud solutions offer more than just deployment – through our managed services offerings, we can also maintain your systems, applications and static data on your behalf. So, whether you’re a digital or a traditional bank – and whether you’re looking to manage your own applications or free up staff to focus on your core business – we’ve got you covered.

About the Author
Thomas Jerolitsch, Business Line Executive, Enterprise Treasury, FIS
Thomas JerolitschBusiness Line Executive, Enterprise Treasury, FIS
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