FIS® Hedge Fund Portfolio Manager enables hedge funds to support all operational aspects of portfolio accounting and real-time position management. It delivers a robust infrastructure and highly automated workflows within a single platform.
Hedge Fund Portfolio Manager can handle the most complex of products, improving position management by automating and tracking positions while maintaining P&L records in real time.How FIS empowers hedge fund accounting and position management
Focus on revenue-generating activities
Easily manage entire portfolios with streamlined workflows and broad asset class coverageEnsure data integrity
Create a complete audit trail to ensure precision, transparency and data integrityIncorporate flexibility into reporting
Improve decision-making with actionable information and automated reportingExplore Our Perspective
FIS Hedge Fund Portfolio Manager product sheet
A real-time, multi-currency accounting and position management solution for hedge funds and hedge fund administrators.
Virtus from FIS Private Debt Solution Suite video
Solutions that provide valuable transparency so that you have access to smarter, more beneficial investment information.