FIS® OTC Derivatives and Valuations Services is a web-based solution that provides OTC valuations of derivatives and structured products for individual trades and holdings as well as full portfolios.
Gain a more accurate understanding of the value of your derivatives positions, whatever your investment strategy. With its comprehensive library of independent models for OTC derivatives valuations and pricing, the solution helps you assess the risk of derivatives trades and ensure that complex OTC derivatives are correctly collateralized.How FIS empowers independent valuations
Improve your transparency
Demonstrate your commitment to transparency to investors and regulatorsValue your positions and holdings
Access high-quality data and pricing models for your complete range of positions and holdingsMonitor your valuations
Automatically obtain independent valuations of positions up to four times a dayExplore Our Perspective
Developing a Neural Exotic Pricing Library with Tensorflow white paper
A summary of some of the choices that need to be made and factors that need to be considered to produce satisfactory results, along with specific observations based on our experience in implementing our own neural pricing and risk system at FIS.
FIS OTC Derivatives and Valuations Services product sheet
A mark-to-market solution for OTC derivatives and structured-products pricing.
FIS OTC Derivatives and Valuations Services - Data brochure
A solution that delivers a full spectrum of volatility data across all assets in a transparent, timely and cost-effective way.